Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Week 13: Reading Diary- Brothers Grimm (Ashliman)

These are my thoughts about the tales of the Brothers Grimm (Ashliman)...

Cat and Mouse in Partnership:

This story just confirms all of my feelings towards cats. You just can't trust them. It is also a good lesson on choosing friends. Sometimes people just can't change who they are, no matter what they say or what you hope.

The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids:

This might the oldest story about stranger danger that has ever been told. I like that the kids in the story were not completely foolish. They thwarted the wolf twice, but the third time they were just too naive to understand that he was tricking them. I was also glad that he got his just rewards.

The Seven Ravens:

These stories are completely ridiculous. But that is okay, because children's stories should always have a heavy dose of the imaginary in my opinion. I also like that the little girl was committed enough to cut off her own finger. That's a pretty intense choice to make for a little girl.

Little Red Cap:

I wonder if these stories are supposed to teach children some kind of valuable lesson. Like maybe the wolf is supposed to represent the evil men that can pray on women when they get off the path. Or maybe they are just supposed to amusing stories, but I definitely think that they are supposed to teach lessons.

The Singing Bone:

As an older brother, this is definitely not my favorite story. I also don't like that the younger brother didn't get justice, until after he had already been killed. It just seems wrong for that to happen in a fairy tell like this.

The Elves:

This is a nice story. It's always good to see the nice people win. Especially, when they are so gracious and thankful for the help that they receive. Maybe there is some secret key to success hidden in this story.

Herr Korbes:

This is some horrible luck. I guess he must have been an extremely wicked man like the story suggests. I wonder if all those animals and things went to his house with the attention of doing him in? Or maybe it was just some divinely delivered justice.

Old Sultan:

This story shows us that appearance is way more important than reality. The old dog appeared to be useful, even though he wasn't, and he was rewarded for it. Then, he and the cat appeared to be intimidating and dangerous, even though they weren't, and they beat the wolf and boar because of it.


This is a great little story. It is definitely a story that shows the dangers of greed. The king almost lost his first-born by making the girl make a deal with Rumpelstiltskin. Then Rumpelstiltskin gets himself in trouble by making that deal with the girl. I've read it before, but I still really enjoy it!

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